Every day new creatures are discovered on our planet somewhere or the other. We have put together for you, 7 amazing animal species that really exist. You would not have seen most of them. In fact, none of us would have. Some of them might look like the creatures created using VFX but they aren’t. All of these species are real, rare and unique in their own way.
Do they really exist? |
Red-Lipped Batfish
Red lipped batfish |
The fish is found in the Golapagos Islands and in spite of being a fish, the red-lipped batfish doesn't actually swim. It used its pectoral fins to walk under the ocean.
The Panda Ant
The Panda Ant |
These ants are found in Chile and are know for their extremely painful stings. The black and white ant specimens are called by the name as their hairy coloration resemble that of the Chinese giant panda.
The Goblin Shark
Goblin Shark |
Sometimes referred as “living fossil”, the Goblin Shark is found around the world at depths greater than 100 m (330 ft). The Goblin Shark poses no danger to humans, considering the depth at which it inhabits.
Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
Hummingbird Hawk-Moth |
This hawk- moth makes a similar humming sound, thus the name. It even looks a lot like a hummingbird. It feeds on flowers and is very good at recognising colours.
The Blue Parrot Fish
The Blue Parrot Fish |
As the name suggests, the fish is bright blue in colour and is found in the Atlantic Ocean. The fish spends 80% of its time looking for food.
The Pacu Fish
The Pacu Fish |
The fish has literally human-like teeth. The myth also has it that the Pacu fish eats testicles and has a taste for human flesh. Although they were found in Yuma, Arizona in June 2006 and in New Jersey in June 2015, the fish are native to South America. These fish occasionally eat other fish and do not survive in cold water.
Tufted Deer
Tufted deer |
The tufted deer has a kind of face which seems to be a combination of both creepy and cute. The deer has an adorable face with terrifying fangs growing down from the top jaw and little pointy horns that may remind one of the little devils. The tufted deer is found in China and other parts of Asia.
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